Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Methods Paper- Explore either Attraction or Procrastination Essay

Research Methods Paper- Explore either Attraction or Procrastination - Essay Example In particular, this research would dwell on the influence of physical looks in developing a romantic relationship. The study would use the normative survey technique under descriptive method of research. Descriptive normative survey is a fact finding study which goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. This approach attempts to establish norms or standards based on a wide class of survey data. In addition, it is used to collect demographics data about people’s behavior, practices, intentions, beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and judgments. Since this research is concerned with commonality of some elements, the researchers would be able to gather adequate and accurate interpretations on the attitudes of young people’s valuing of physical looks when engaging in a romantic relationship. The survey method was chosen for this project since it is an inexpensive way of collecting even a large amount of data. However, a survey can also be a failure if the questionnaire is poorly constructed and the implementation of the survey was not well monitored. Also, participants may have ambivalent answers when confronted with an answer choice. It must also be taken into account that bias can also occur when the sampling is not properly considered. Nevertheless, the survey method would best fit the needs of this research since the subjects are high school students and their perception cannot be quantified. The instrument that would be used to collect data is the questionnaire. This was chosen because it gathers data faster than any other method. Besides, the respondents are high school students 13-16 who could easily read the questionnaires with ease and full privacy. Also, this method is easy to use for a large number of participants and can be arranged and quantified since it supplies standardized answers. Each question would be assigned a numerical code to ease the

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Missionary Who Transformed a Nation Essay Example for Free

A Missionary Who Transformed a Nation Essay When Englishman William Carey (1761–1834) arrived in India in 1793, it marked a major milestone in the history of Christian missions and in the history of India. Carey established the Serampore Mission—the first modern Protestant mission in the non-English-speaking world—near Calcutta on January 10, 1800.1 From this base, he labored for nearly a quarter century to spread the gospel throughout the land. In the end his triumph was spectacular. Through his unfailing love for the people of India and his relentless campaign against â€Å"the spiritual forces of evil† (Eph. 6:12), India was literally transformed. Asian historian Hugh Tinker summarizes Carey’s impact on India this way: â€Å"And so in Serampore, on the banks of the river Hooghly, the principal elements of modern South Asia—the press, the university, social consciousness—all came to light.† 2 Who was William Carey? He was exactly the kind of man that the Lord seems to delight in using to accomplish great things; in other words, the kind of person that most of us would least expect. He was raised in a small, rural English town where he received almost no formal education. His chief source of income came through his work as a cobbler (a shoemaker). He had an awkward, homely appearance, having lost almost all his hair in childhood. Upon his arrival in India and throughout his years there, he was harassed by British colonists, deserted by his mission-sending agency, and opposed by younger missionary recruits who were sent to help him. Despite these setbacks, he became perhaps the most influential person in the largest outpost of the British Empire.3 Carey didn’t go to India merely to start new churches or set up medical clinics for the poor. He was driven by a more comprehensive vision—a vision for discipling the nation. â€Å"Carey saw India not as a foreign country to be exploited, but as his heavenly Father’s land to be loved and served, a society where truth, not ignorance, needed to rule.†4 He looked outward across the land and asked himself, â€Å"If Jesus were the Lord of India, what would it look like? What would be different?† This question set his agenda and led to his involvement in a remarkable variety of activities aimed at glorifying God and advancing His kingdom. Following are highlights of Carey’s work described in Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi’s outstanding book The Legacy of William Carey: A Model for the Transformation of a Culture.5 Carey was horrified that India, one of the most fertile countries in the world, had been allowed to become an uncultivated jungle abandoned to wild beasts and serpents. Therefore he carried out a systematic survey of agriculture and campaigned for agriculture reform. He introduced the Linnaean system of plant organizations and published the first science texts in India. He did this because he believed that nature is declared â€Å"good† by its Creator; it is not Maya (illusion) to be shunned, as Hindus believe, but a subject worthy of human study. Carey introduced the idea of savings banks to India to fight the all-pervasive social evil of usury (the lending of money at excessive interest). He believed that God, being righteous, hated this practice which made investment, industry, commerce, and economic development impossible. He was the first to campaign for humane treatment of India’s leprosy victims because he believed that Jesus’ love extends to leprosy patie nts, so they should be cared for. Before then, lepers were often buried or burned alive because of the belief that a violent death purified the body on its way to reincarnation into a new healthy existence. He established the first newspaper ever printed in any Oriental language, because he believed that â€Å"above all forms of truth and faith, Christianity seeks free discussion.† His English-language journal, Friend of India, was the force that gave birth to the social-reform movement in India in the first half of the nineteenth century. He translated the Bible into over 40 different Indian languages. He transformed the Bengali language, previously considered â€Å"fit for only demons and women,† into the foremost literary language of India. He wrote gospel ballads in Bengali to bring the Hindu love of music to the service of his Lord. He began dozens of schools for Indian children of all castes and launched the first college in Asia. He desired to develop the Indian mind and liberate it from darkness and superstition. He was the first man to stand against the ruthless murders and widespread oppression of women. Women in India were being crushed through polygamy, female infanticide, child marriage, widow burning, euthanasia, and forced illiteracy—all sanctioned by religion. Carey opened schools for girls. When widows converted to Christianity, he arranged marriages for them. It was his persistent, 25-year battle against widow burning (known as sati) that finally led to the formal banning of this horrible religious practice. William Carey was a pioneer of the modern Christian missionary movement, a movement that has since reached every corner of the world. Although a man of simple origins, he used his God-given genius and every available means to serve his Creator and illumine the dark corners of India with the light of the truth. William Carey’s ministry in India can be described as wholistic. For something to be wholistic, it must have multiple parts that contribute to a greater whole. What is the â€Å"whole† to which all Christian ministry activities contribute? Through an examination of Christ’s earthly ministry, we see that the â€Å"whole† is glorifying God and advancing His kingdom through the discipling of the nations (Matt. 24:14; 28:18–20). This is God’s â€Å"big agenda†Ã¢â‚¬â€the principal task that he works through His church to accomplish. If this is the whole, then what are the parts? Matthew 4:23, highlights three parts: preaching, teaching, and healing. Because each part is essential to the whole, let’s look at each one more carefully. Preaching includes proclaiming the gospel—God’s gracious invitation for people everywhere to live in His Kingdom, have their sins forgiven, be spiritually reborn, and become children of God through faith in Christ. Proclaiming the gospel is essential to wholistic ministry, for unless lost and broken people are spiritually reborn into a living relationship with God—unless they become â€Å"a new creation† (2 Cor. 5:17)—all efforts to bring hope, healing, and transformation are doomed to fail. People everywhere need their relationship with God restored, yet preaching is only one part of wholistic ministry. Teaching entails instructing people in the foundational truths of Scripture. It is associated with discipleship—helping people to live in obedience to God and His Word in every area of life. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus tells His disciples to â€Å"teach [the nations] to obey everything I have commanded you.† Unless believers are taught to obey Christ’s commands, their growth may be hindered. Colossians 3:16 says, â€Å"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom.† Healing involves the tangible demonstrations of the present reality of the Kingdom in the midst of our hurting and broken world. When Jesus came, He demonstrated the present reality of God’s Kingdom by healing people. â€Å"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are rais ed, and the good news is preached to the poor,† was Jesus’ report to His cousin John the Baptist in Matthew 11:4–5. Jesus didn’t just preach the good news; He demonstrated it by healing all forms of brokenness. Unless ministry to people’s physical needs accompanies evangelism and discipleship, our message will be empty, weak, and irrelevant. This is particularly true where physical poverty is rampant. The apostle John admonishes, â€Å"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth† (1 John 3:17–18). Here’s a picture of the basic elements of a biblically balanced, wholistic ministry: First, there are multiple parts—preaching, teaching and healing. These parts have distinct functions, yet they are inseparable. All are essential in contributing to the whole, which is glorifying God and advancing His Kingdom. Lastly, each part rests on the solid foundation of the biblical worldview. In other words, each is understood and implemented through the basic presuppositions of Scripture. In summary, preaching, teaching and healing are three indispensable parts of wholistic ministry, whose purpose is to advance God’s kingdom â€Å"on earth as it is in heaven† (Matt. 6:10). Without these parts working together seamlessly, our ministry is less than what Christ intends, and will lack power to transform lives and nations. To comprehend the nature and purpose of wholistic ministry, two concepts must be understood. First is the comprehensive impact of humanity’s spiritual rebellion. Second is that our loving, compassionate God is presently unfolding His plan to redeem and restore all things broken through the Fall. When Adam and Eve turned their backs on God in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1–6), the consequences of their sin were devastating and far-reaching; they affected the very order of the universe. At least four relationships were broken through the Fall. First, Adam and Eve’s intimate relationship with God was broken (Gen. 3:8–9). This was the primary relationship for which they had been created, the most important aspect of their lives. When their relationship with God was broken, their other relationships were damaged too: their relationship with themselves as individuals (Gen. 3:7, 10), with each other as fellow human beings (Gen. 3:7, 12, 16), and with the rest of creation (Gen. 3:17–19). The universe is intricately designed and interwoven. It is wholistic, composed of multiple parts, each of which depends on the proper functioning of the others. All parts are governed by laws established by God. When the primary relationship between God and humanity was severed, every part of the original harmony of God’s creation was affected. The results of this comprehensive brokenness have plagued humanity ever since. War, hatred, violence, environmental degradation, injustice, corruption, idolatry, poverty and fa mine all spring from sin. Thus, when God set out to restore His creation from the all-encompassing effects of man’s rebellion, His redemptive plan could not be small or narrow, focusing on a single area of brokenness. His plan is not limited to saving human souls or teaching or even healing. Rather, it combines all three with the goal of restoring everything, including each of the four broken relationships described above. Colossians 1:19–20 provides a picture of God’s wholistic redemptive plan: For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in [Christ], and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. (Emphasis added) God is redeeming all things. Through Christ’s blood our sins are forgiven and our fellowship with God is renewed. And not only that—we also can experience substantial healing within ourselves, with others, and with the environment. The gospel is not only good news for after we die; it is good news here and now! The task of the church is to join God in His big agenda of restoring all things. We are â€Å"Christ’s ambassadors,† called to t he â€Å"ministry of reconciliation† (see 2 Cor. 5:18–20). In the words of Christian apologist Francis Schaeffer, we should be working â€Å"on the basis of the finished work of Christ . . . [for] substantial healing now in every area where there are divisions because of the Fall.†6 To do this, we must first believe that such healing can be a reality here and now, in every area, on the basis of the finished work of Christ. This healing will not be perfect or complete on this side of Christ’s return, yet it can be real, evident, and substantial. Preaching, teaching, and substantial healing in every area where brokenness exists as a result of the Fall—in essence, wholistic ministry—is the vision that Christ had and modeled for us on earth. It was the vision that set the agenda for William Carey in India. It is the vision that should set the agenda for our ministry as well. When Jesus sent out His disciples on their first missionary journey, â€Å"He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sickâ⠂¬  (Luke 9:2). Yet today it’s common for Christian ministries to separate the twin ministry components. Some focus exclusively on preaching, evangelism, or church planting, while others focus on meeting the physical needs of the broken or impoverished. Typically these two groups have little interaction. This division is not what Christ intended. By focusing on one to the exclusion of the other, ministries are limited and ineffective in bringing about true, lasting transformation. The Bible provides a model of ministry where preaching, teaching, and healing are, in the words of Dr. Tetsunao Yamamori, â€Å"functionally separate, yet relationally inseparable.†7 Each part is distinct and deserves special attention and focus. Yet the parts must function together. Together they form a wholistic ministry that is both powerful and effective—a ministry able to transform lives and entire nations. The work of William Carey in India gives historical testimony to this fact. According to theologian David Wells, preaching, teaching, and healing must be â€Å"inextricably related to each other, the former being the foundation and the latter being the evidence of the working of the former.† There is a story told about the subject of the following sketch which may be repeated here by way of introduction. It is said that long after he had attained to fame and eminence in India, being Professor of oriental languages in the college of Fort William, honoured with letters and medals from royal hands, and able to write F.L.S., F.G S., F.A.S., and other symbols of distinction after his name, he was dining one day with a select company at the Governor-Generals, when one of the guests, with more than questionable taste, asked an aide-de-camp present, in a whisper loud enough to be heard by the professor, whether Dr. Carey had not once been a shoemaker. No, sir, immediately answered the doctor, only a cobbler! Whether he was proud of it, we cannot say; that he had no need to be ashamed of it, we are sure. He had out-lived the day when Edinburgh reviewers tried to heap contempt on consecrated cobblers, and he had established his right to be enrolled amongst the aristocracy of learning and philanthropy. Some fifty years before this incident took place, a visitor might have seen over a small shop in a Northamptonshire village a sign-board with the following inscription: Second-hand Shoes Bought and Sold.WILLIAM CAREY.| The owner of this humble shop was the son of a poor schoolmaster, who inherited a taste for learning; and though he was consigned to the drudgery of mending boots and shoes, and was even then a sickly, care-worn man, in poverty and distress, with a delicate and unsympathizing wife, he lost no opportunity of acquiring information both in languages and natural history and taught himself drawing and painting. He always worked with lexicons and classics open upon his bench; so that Scott, the commentator, to whom it is said that he owed his earliest religious impressions, used to call that shop Mr. Careys college. His tastes — we ought rather to say Gods providence — soon led him to open a village school; and as he belonged to the Baptist community, he combined with the office of schoolmaster that of a preacher in their little chapel at Moulton, with the scanty salary of  £16 a year. Strange to say, it was whilst giving his daily lessons in geography that the flame of mis sionary zeal was kindled in his bosom. As he looked upon the vast regions depicted on the map of the world, he began to ponder on the spiritual darkness that brooded over so many of them, and this led him to collect and collate information on the subject, until his whole mind was occupied with the absorbing theme. It so happened that a gathering of Baptist ministers at Northampton invited a subject for discussion, and Carey, who was present, at once proposed The duty of Christians to attempt the spread of the Gospel amongst heathen nations. The proposal fell amongst them like a bombshell, and the young man was almost shouted down by those who thought such a scheme impracticable and wild. Even Andrew Fuller, who eventually became his great supporter, confessed that he found himself ready to exclaim, If the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? But Careys zeal was not to be quenched. He brought forward the topic again and again; he wrote a pamphlet on the subject; and on his removal to a more important pos t of duty at Leicester, he won over several influential persons to his views. It was at this time (1792) he preached his famous sermon from Isaiah 54:2,3, and summed up its teaching in these two important statements: (1) Expect great things from God, and (2) Attempt great things for God. This led to the formation of the Baptist Missionary Society; and Carey, at the age of thirty-three, proved his sincerity by volunteering to be its first messenger to the heathen. Andrew Fuller had said, There is a gold mine in India; but it seems as deep as the centre of the earth; who will venture to explore it? I will go down, responded William Carey, in words never to be forgotten, but remember that you must hold the rope. The funds of the Society amounted at the time to  £13 2s 6d. But the chief difficulties did not arise out of questions of finance. The East India Company, sharing the jealousy against missionary effort, which, alas! at that time was to be found amongst the chief statesmen of the realm, and amongst prelates of the Established Church as well as amongst No nconformist ministers, were opposed to all such efforts, and no one could set his foot upon the Companys territory without a special license. The missionary party and their baggage were on board the Earl of Oxford and the ship was just ready to sail, when an information was laid against the captain for taking a person on board without an order from the Company, and forthwith the passengers and their goods were hastily put on shore, and the vessel weighed anchor for Calcutta, leaving them behind, disappointed and disheartened. They returned to London. Mr. Thomas, who was Careys companion and brother missionary, went to a coffee-house, when, to use his own language, to the great joy of a bruised heart, the waiter put a card into my hand, whereon were written these life-giving words: A Danish East Indiaman, No. 10, Cannon Street. No more tears that night. Our courage revived; we fled to No. 10, Cannon Street, and found it was the office of Smith and Co., agents, and that Mr. Smith was a brother of the captains; that this ship had sailed, as he supposed, from Copenhagen; was hourly expected in Dover roads; would make no stay t here; and the terms were  £100 for each passenger,  £50 for a child, and  £25 for an attendant. This of course brought up the financial difficulty in a new and aggravated form; but the generosity of the agent and owner of the ship soon overcame it, and within twenty-four hours of their return to London, Mr. Carey and his party embarked for Dover; and on the 13th June, 1793, they found themselves on board the Kron Princessa Maria, where they were treated with the utmost kindness by the captain, who admitted them to his own table, and provided them with special cabins. The delay, singularly enough, removed one of Careys chief difficulties and regrets. His wife who was physically feeble, and whose deficiency in respect to moral intrepidity was afterwards painfully accounted for by twelve years of insanity in India, had positively refused to accompany him, and he had consequently made up his mind to go out alone. She was not with him when he and his party were suddenly expelled from the English ship; but she was so wrought upon by all that had occurred, as well as by renewed entreaties, that with her sister and her five children she set sail with him for Calcutta. Difficulties of various kinds surrounded them upon their arrival in India. Poverty, fevers, bereavement, the sad illness of his wife, the jealousy of the Government, all combined to render it necessary that for a while Carey should betake himself to an employment in the Sunderbunds, where he had often to use his gun to supply the wants of his family; and eventually he went to an indigo factory at Mudnabully, where he hoped to earn a livelihood. But he kept the grand project of his life distinctly in view; he set himself to the acquisition of the language, he erected schools, he made missionary tours, he began to translate the New Testament, and above all he worked at his printing press, which was set up in one corner of the factory and was looked upon by the natives as his god. Careys feelings at this time with regard to his work will be best expressed in the following passage from a letter to his sisters: I know not what to say about the mission. I feel as a farmer does about his crop; sometimes I think the seed is springing, and then I hope; a little time blasts all, and my hopes are gone like a cloud. I preach every day to the natives, and twice on the Lords Day constantly, besides other itinerant labours; and I try to speak of Jesus Christ and Him crucified and of Him alone; but my soul is often dejected to see no fruit. And then he goes on to speak of that department of his labour in which his greatest achievements were ultimately to be won: The work of translation is going on, and I hope the whole New Testament and the five books of Moses may be completed before this reaches you. It is a pleasant work and a rich reward, and I trust, whenever it is published, it will soon prevail, and put down all the Shastras of the Hindus. The translation of the Scriptures I look upon to be one of the greatest desiderata in the world, and it has accordingly occupied a considerable part of my time and attention. Five or six years of patient unrequited toil passed by, and then four additional labourers were sent out by the Society to Careys help. Two of them will never be forgotten, and the names of Carey, Marshman, and Ward will ever be inseparably linked in the history of Indian missions. Ward had been a printer; and it was a saying of Careys, addressed to him in England, that led him to adopt a missionarys life: We shall want you, said he, in a few years, to print the Bible; you must come after us. Marshman had been an assistant in a London book-shop, but soon found that his business there was not to his taste, as he wished to know more about the contents of books than about their covers; so he set up a school at Bristol, mastered Greek and Latin, Hebrew and Syriac, and became prosperous in the world; but he gave up all to join Carey in his noble enterprise, and moreover, brought out with him, as a helper in the mission, a young man whom he himself had been the means of converting from inf idelity. Marshmans wife was a cultivated woman, and her boarding school in India brought in a good revenue to the mission treasury. His daughter married Henry Havelock, who made for himself as great a name in the military annals of his country as his illustrious father-in-law had won for himself in the missionary history of the world. The jealous and unchristian policy of the East India Company would not allow the newly arrived missionaries to join their brethren, and they were compelled to seek shelter under a foreign flag. Fortunately for the cause of missions, a settlement had been secured by the Danes at Serampore, some sixteen miles up the river from Calcutta, and it now proved a city of refuge to Englishmen who had been driven from territory which owned the British sway. The governor of the colony, Colonel Bie, was a grand specimen of his race; he had been in early days a pupil of Schwartz, and he rejoiced in knowing that the kings of Denmark had been the first Protestant princes that ever encouraged missions amongst the heathen. He gave the exiled missionaries a generous welcome and again and again gallant ly resisted all attempts to deprive them of his protection, declaring that if the British Government still refused to sanction their continuance in India, they should have the shield of Denmark thrown over them if they would remain at Serampore. Carey determined, though it was accompanied with personal loss to himself, to join his brethren at Serampore, and the mission soon was organized in that place, which became, so to speak, the cradle of Indian missions. It possessed many advantages: it was only sixty miles from Nuddea, and was within a hundred of the Mahratta country; here the missionaries could preach the Gospel and work their printing press without fear, and from this place they could pass under Danish passports to any part of India. There was a special providence in their coming to Serampore at the time they did; for in 1801 it passed over to English rule without the firing of a shot. They were soon at work, both in their schools and on their preaching tours. Living on homely fare and working for their bread, they went forth betimes in pairs to preach the word of the living God, now in the streets or in the bazaars, now in the midst of heathen temples, attracting crowds to hear them by the sweet hymns which Carey ha d composed in the native tongue, and inviting inquirers to the mission-house for further instruction. The first convert was baptized in the same year on the day after Christmas. His name was Krishnu. He had been brought to the mission-house for medical relief, and was so influenced by what he saw and heard, that he resolved to become a Christian. On breaking caste by eating with the missionaries, he was seized by an enraged mob and dragged before the magistrate, but to their dismay he was released from their hands. Carey had the pleasure of performing the ceremony of baptism with his own hands, in presence of the governor and a crowd of natives and Europeans. It was his first recompense after seven years of toil, and it soon led the way to other conversions. Amongst the rest, a high-caste Brahmin divested himself of his sacred thread, joined the Christian ranks, and preached the faith which he once destroyed. Krishnu became an efficient helper and built at his own expense the first place of worship for native Christians in Bengal. Writing about him twelve years after his baptism, Car ey says, He is now a steady, zealous, well-informed, and I may add eloquent minister of the Gospel, and preaches on an average twelve or fourteen times every week in Calcutta and its neighborhood. But we must turn from the other laborers and the general work of the mission to dwell upon the special work for which Careys tastes and qualifications so admirably fitted him. We have seen that his heart was set on the translation and printing of the Scriptures and to this from the outset he sedulously devoted himself. On the 17th March, 1800 the first sheet of the Bengali New Testament was ready for the press, and in the next year Carey was able to say, I have lived to see the Bible translated into Bengali, and the whole New Testament printed. But this was far from being the end of Careys enterprise. In 1806, the Serampore missionaries contemplated and issued proposals for rendering the Holy Scriptures into fifteen oriental languages, viz., Sanskrit, Bengali, Hindustani, Persian, Mahratta, Guzarathi, Oriya, Kurnata, Telinga, Burman, Assam, Boutan, Thibetan, Malay, and Chinese. Professor Wilson, the Boden Professor of Sanscrit at Oxford, has told us how this proposal was more than ac complished: They published, he says, in the course of about five-and-twenty years, translations of portions of the Old and New Testament, more or less considerable, in forty different dialects. It is not pretended that they were conversant with all these forms of speech, but they employed competent natives, and as they themselves were masters of Sanscrit and several vernacular dialects, they were able to guide and superintend them. In all this work Dr. Carey (for the degree of Doctor of Divinity had been bestowed on him by a learned university) took a leading part. Possessed of at least six different dialects, a thorough master of the Sanscrit, which is the parent of the whole family, and gifted besides with a rare genius for philological investigation, he carried the project, says the professor, to as successful an issue as could have been expected from the bounded faculties of man. And when it is remembered that he began his work at a time when there were no helps or appliances for his studies; when grammars and dictionaries of these dialects were unknown, and had to be constructed by himself; when even manuscripts of them were scarce, and printing was utterly unknown to the natives of Bengal, the work which he not only set before him, but accomplished, must be admitted to have been Herculean. Frequently did he weary out three pundits in the day, and to the last hour of his life he never intermitted his labours. The following apology for not engaging more extensively in correspondence will be read with interest, and allowed to be a sufficient one:— I translate from Bengali and from Sanscrit into English. Every proof-sheet of the Bengali and Mahratta Scriptures must go three times at least through my hands. A dictionary of the Sanscrit goes once at least through my hands. I have written and printed a second edition of the Bengali grammar and collected materials for a Mahratta dictionary. Besides this, I preach twice a week, frequently thrice, and attend upon my collegiate duties. I do not mention this because I think my work a burden — it is a real pleasure — but to show that my not writing many letters is not because I neglect my brethren, or wish them to cease writing to me. Carey was by no means a man of brilliant genius, still less was he a man of warm enthusiasm; he had nothing of the sentimental, or speculative, or imaginative in his disposition; but he was a man of untiring energy and indomitable perseverance. Difficulties seemed only to develop the one and to increase the other. These difficulties arose from various quarters, sometimes from the opposition of the heathen, sometimes from the antagonism of the British Government, sometimes, and more painfully, from the misapprehensions or injudiciousness of the Society at home; but he never was dismayed. On the contrary, he gathered arguments for progress from the opposition that was made to it. There is, he writes a very considerable difference in the appearance of the mission, which to me is encouraging. The Brahmins are now most inveterate in their opposition; they oppose the Gospel with the utmost virulence, and the very name of Jesus Christ seems abominable in their ears. And all this is the more remarkable, when we remember that he was by nature indolent. He says of himself, No man ever living felt inertia to so great a degree as I do. He was in all respects a man of principle and not of impulse. Kind and gentle, he was yet firm and unwavering. Disliking compliments and commendations for himself, it was not his habit to bestow them upon others. Indeed, he tells us that the only attempt which he ever made to pay a compliment met with such discouragement, that he never had any inclination to renew the attempt. A nephew of the celebrated President Edwards called upon him with a letter of introduction, and Carey congratulated him on his relationship to so great a personage; but the young man dryly replied, True, sir, but every tub must stand on its own bottom. From his childhood he had been in earnest in respect to anything he undertook. He once tried to climb a tree and reach a nest, but failed, and soon came to the ground; yet, though he had to limp home bruised and wounded, the first thing he did when able again to leave the house was to climb that same tree and take that identical nest. This habit of perseverance followed him through life. One evening, just before the missionaries retired to rest, the printing office was di scovered to be on fire, and in a short time it was totally destroyed. Buildings, types, paper, proofs, and, worse than all, the Sanscrit and other translations perished in the flames. Ten thousand pounds worth of property was destroyed that night, no portion of which was covered by insurance; but under the master mind of Carey the disaster was soon retrieved. A portion of the metal was recovered from the wreck, and as the punches and matrices had been saved, the types were speedily recast. Within two months the printers were again at their work; within two more the sum required to repair the premises had been collected; and within seven the Scriptures had been re-translated into the Sanscrit language. Carey preached on the next Lords-day after the conflagration, from the text, Be still, and know that I am God, and set before his hearers two thoughts: (1) God has a sovereign right to dispose of us as He pleases; (2) we ought to acquiesce in all that God does with us and to us. Writing to a friend at this time, he calmly remarks that traveling a road the second time, however painful it may be, is usually done with greater ease and certainty than when we travel it for the first time. To such a man success was already assured, and by such a man success was well deserved. And it came. When the Government looked round for a suitable man to fill the chair of oriental languages in their college at Fort William, their choice fell, almost as a necessity, upon the greatest scholar in India, and so the persecuted missionary became the honoured Professor of Sanscrit, Bengali, and Mahratta, at one thousand rupees a month. He stipulated, however, that he would accept the office only on the condition that his position as a missionary should be recognized; and he took a noble revenge upon those who had so long opposed his work, by devoting the whole of his newly-acquired salary to its further extension. His new position served to call attention to missionary work; and by degrees a better feeling sprang up towards it both at home and abroad. Carey and his companions were at length able to preach in the bazaars of Calcutta. Fresh labourers had come to India. Corrie, Browne, Mart yn, and Buchanan were stirring the depths of Christian sympathy by their work and by their appeals. Grant, Wilberforce, and Macaulay were rousing the British nation to some faint sense of duty; so that when the charter of the East India Company came to be renewed in 1813, the restrictive regulations were defeated in the House of Commons by a majority of more than two to one. In the very next year the foundations of the Indian Episcopate were laid; and in the following year Dr. Middleton, the first Metropolitan of India (having Ceylon for one archdeaconry, and Australia for another) was visiting the Serampore missionaries, in company with the Governor-General, and expressing his admiration and astonishment at their work. Distinctions crowded fast upon the Northamptonshire cobbler. Learned societies thought themselves honoured by admitting him to membership. He had proved himself a useful citizen as well as a devoted missionary. He had established a botanic garden, and edited The Flora Indica; he had founded an agricultural society, and was elected its president; he suggested a plantation committee for India and was its most active member; he collected a splendid museum of natural history which he bequeathed to his college; he was an early associate of the Asiatic Society, and contributed largely to its researches; he had translated the Ramayana, the most ancient poem in the Sanscrit language, into three volumes; he was a constant writer in the Friend of India; he founded a college of his own, and obtained for it a royal charter from the King of Denmark; and in these and other ways he helped forward the moral and political reforms which have done so much for Hindustan. He was one of the first to memorialize the Government against the horrid infanticides at Sangor, and he lived to see them put down. He was early in the field to denounce the murderous abominations of the Suttee [sati], and to oppose to them th e authority even of the Hindu Vedas, and he had the satisfaction of seeing them abolished by Lord William Bentinck. He protested all along against the pilgrim tax, and the support afforded by the Bengal Government to the worship of juggernaut, and he did not die until he saw the subject taken up by others who carried it to a triumphant issue. What would have been his devout gratitude, had he lived to see the last links of connection between the Government and the idol temples severed in 1840, and Hindu and Mohammedan laws, which inflicted forfeiture of all civil rights on those who became Christians, abrogated by the Lex Loci Act of 1850! What would have been the joy of Carey, of Martyn, or of Corrie, could they have heard the testimony borne to the character and success of missions in India by Sir Richard Temple, the late Governor of Madras, at a public meeting held last year in Birmingham! He said, I have governed a hundred and five millions of the inhabitants of India, and I have been concerned with eighty-five millions more in my official capacity. I have thus had acquaintance with, or been au thentically informed regarding, nearly all the missionaries of all the societies labouring in India within the last forty years. And what is my testimony concerning these men? They are most efficient as pastors of their native flocks, and as evangelists in preaching in cities and villages from one end of India to the other. In the work of converting the heathen to the knowledge and practice of the Christian religion, they show great learning in all that relates to the native religion and to the caste system. They are, too, the active and energetic friends of the natives in all times of danger and emergency. So far as to the character of the missionaries. Speaking of their success, he said, It has sometimes been stated in the public prints, which speak with authority, that their progress has been arrested. Now, is this really the case? Remember that missionary work in India began in the year 1813, or sixty-seven years ago. There are in the present year not less than 350,000 native Christians, besides 150,000 scholars, who, though not all Christians, are receiving Christian instruction; that is, 500,000 people, or half a million, brought under the influence of Christianity. And the annual rate of increase in the number of native Christians has progressed with advancing years. At first it was reckoned by hundreds yearly, then by thousands, and further on by tens of thousands. But it will be asked, what is the character of these Christian converts in India? what practically is their conduct as Christians? Now, I am not about to claim for them any extreme degree of Christian perfection. But speaking of them as a class, I venture to affirm that the Christian religion has exercised a dominant influence over their lives and has made a decided mark on their conduct. They adhere to their faith under social difficulties. Large sacrifices have to be made by them. The number of apostates may almost be counted on the fingers. There is no such thing as decay in religion, nor any retrogression towards heathenism. On the contrary, they exhibit a laudable desire for the self-support and government of their Church. I believe that if hereafter, during any revolution, any attempts were to be made by secular violence to drive the native Christians back from their religion, many of them would attest their faith by martyrdom. Carey was not the man to wish or to expect that Government should step out of its sphere in order to enforce Christianity upon the natives. Do you not think, Dr. Carey, asked a Governor-General, that it would be wrong to force the Hindus to be Christians? My Lord, was the reply, the thing is impossible; we may, indeed, force men to be hypocrites, but no power on earth can force men to become Christians. Carey, however, was too clear-headed not to see, and too honest not to say, that it was one thing to profess neutrality, and anothe r to sanction idolatry; that it was one thing to abstain from using earthly power to propagate truth, and quite another to thwart rational and scriptural methods of diffusing it. And he was too much of a statesman, as well as too much of a missionary, not to see that in respect to some tenets of the Hindu system it would be impossible for the Government eventually to remain neutral, inasmuch as they subverted the very foundations upon which all government is based. Such was the man who in the sequel won deserved honour even from hostile critics, and earned high encomiums from even prejudiced judges. Well might Lord Wellesley, who was, perhaps, the greatest of Indian statesmen, say concerning him, after listening to the first Sanscrit speech ever delivered in India by an European, and hearing that in it Carey had recognized his noble efforts for the good of India, I esteem such a testimony from such a man a greater honour than the applause of courts and parliaments. Still, amidst all his labours and all his honours, he kept the missionary enterprise distinctly in view, and during the forty years of his residence in India he gave it the foremost place. Several opportunities and no small inducements for returning to his native land were presented to him, but he declined them all. I account this my own country, he said, and have not the least inclination to leave it; and he never did. To the last his translations of the Scriptures and his printing press were his chief care and his chief delight. He counted it so sacred a work that he believed that a portion of the Lords-day could not be better employed than in correcting his proof-sheets. In his seventy-third year, when weak from illness and old age, and drawing near to death, he writes, I am now only able to sit and to lie upon my couch, and now and then to read a proof-sheet of the Scriptures; but I am too weak to walk more than across the house, nor can I stand even a few minutes without support. His last work was to revise his Bengali Bible, and on completing it he says, There is scarcely anything for which I desired to live a little longer so much as for that. He went back to Serampore to die; and he died in the presence of all his brethren. It must have been a touching sight to see Dr. Wilson, the Metropolitan of India, standing by the death-bed of the dying Baptist, and asking for his blessing. It bore witness to the large-heartedness both of the prelate and of the missionary, and was a scene that did honour alike to the living and to the dying. Carey in his will directed that his funeral should be as plain as possible; that he should be laid in the same grave with his second wife, the accomplished Charlotte Rumohr, who had been a real helper to him in his work; and that on the simple stone which marked his grave there should be placed this inscription, and no more.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Odyssey - A Creton Lie :: essays research papers fc

Gentle waves lap against the Ithacian shore line as Odysseus has finally reached his native homeland. Rumors of the great turmoil that has rocked Odysseus' home land and house has reached him abroad. After hearing the news, he decides to don a beggar's disguise and so forth begins the great test. When the disguised Odysseus in Homer's great epic poem, The Odyssey, converses with her wife Penelope in Book nineteen, he tests her loyalty to her husband' s honor and her love of her missing husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Odysseus disguised as a beggar is the basis for the lies that are going to be told to Penelope in this passage by him. In my opinion, this is the main lie that is used as the building block for many other lies to be told. Odysseus is being deceitful by disguising himself as a beggar for specific reasons. His reasons are to find out what has been going on in Ithaca in his twenty years' absence. He wants to find out his wife's loyalty to him as the husband and the authority figure, and her love to her husband. If she did not still love him, he might think twice about revealing his identity to his wife and to the island of Ithaca. He wants to get a feeling of how Penelope feels towards him before he reveals himself to her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The beggar assures Penelope that he has really spent some time with her husband in Amnisus because there was a terrible storm and, 'Then on the thirteenth day the wind died down and they set sail for Troy (Homer 397, 19.233-234).'; There are two statements that reassure Penelope that the beggar does know Odysseus. 'So I took Odysseus back to my own house, gave him a hero's welcome, treated him in style....';(Homer 396, 19.222-223) and 'A dozen days they stayed with me there.... (Homer 397, 19.228-229).'; By giving Penelope this information about her husband, it gives her hope that he is still alive and on his way home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now comes the part where he puts Penelope to the test. By sharing this information with her about her husband he comes to understand her feelings for him. Penelope has not only been loyal to Odysseus as her husband, but also as the authority figure. She has demonstrated her loyalty by being true to him for twenty years in his absence and has not remarried.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pitbulls Essay -- essays research papers

Picture this for a second. You come home both mentally and physically exhausted after a strenuous day at school. All you want to do is watch TV and relax with your best friend. As you begin up the concrete cracked driveway, these thoughts linger in your mind. You push the key into the door handle but you notice something is wrong. There is no barking, no tail wagging, no sign of your best friend at the gate. All that is left is a notice on the front door explaining that your dog has been destroyed by the RSCPA. This is the outcome that many Queenslanders are facing for owning an American Pitbull Terrier. But it is not only APBT owners that are suffering from this ordeal, but owners that have dogs that even slightly resemble the APBT will be destroyed. This will soon become the case in Victoria if no one tries to save the name and true reputation of the APBT. I would appreciate if you forgot all the hysterics the media has put forward over time on this breed and listen to how it is not his fault if he escapes, is tort to attack or is put into the ring to fight to the death. The APBT does not deserve this reputation, this reputation has evolved from mans misdemeanors. Renewed calls for the eradication of the APBT were prompted by yet another seemingly endless dog attack. Yet when the public learn that these attacks are easily preventable and in almost every case, it is the owner’s irresponsible ownership which allows the gate open for these attacks to occur? The vicious kil...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Competition in Energy Drinks Essay

Porter’s five-forces model reveals that the overall alternative beverage industry attractiveness is high. Some beverage companies, such as PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, have mastered the art of brand building in the alternative beverage market and have been rewarded with rapid growth rates. The rising population of health conscious consumers is increasingly leaning towards alternative beverages that are believed to offer greater health benefits. The strongest competitive force, or most important to strategy formulation, is the threat of entry of new competitors. Competitive pressure from rival sellers is high in the alternative beverage industry. The number of brands competing in sports drinks, energy drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverage segments of the alternative beverage industry continue to grow each year. Both large and small vendors are launching new products and fighting for minimal retail shelf space. More and more consumers are moving away from traditional soft drinks to healthier alternative drinks. Demand is expected to grow worldwide as consumer purchasing power increases. Another strong competitive force is buyer bargaining power. Convenience stores and grocery stores have substantial leverage in negotiating pricing and slotting fees with alternative beverage producers due to the large quantity of their purchase. Newer brands are very vulnerable to buyer power because of limited space on store shelves. Top brands like Red Bull are almost always guaranteed space. This competitive force does not affect Coca-Cola or PepsiCo as much due to the variety of beverages the stores want to offer to the customer. As a result of this certain appeal, the two companies’ alternative beverage brands can almost always be found shelf space in grocery/convenience stores. Distributors, like restaurants, have less ability to negotiate for deep pricing discounts because of quantity limitations. The weakest competitive force is the bargaining power and leverage of suppliers. Most of the raw materials desirable to manufacture alternative beverages are basic merchandise such as flavor, color, packaging, etc. The suppliers of these commodities have no bargaining power over the pricing due to which the suppliers in the industry are relatively weak. Raw materials for these drinks are basic commodities which are easily available to every producer and have low cost which makes no difference for any supplier. Low switching costs limit supplier bargaining power by enabling industry members to change suppliers if any one supplier attempts to raise prices by more than the cost of switching.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Twenty Years War essays

The Twenty Years War essays The Thirty Years War was a series of European conflicts that lasted from 1618 to 1648. The battles were mainly fought in Germany. The struggle was initially based on the religious conflicts among Germans by the Protestant Reformation, but it was later influenced by other issues, including dynastic rivalries. There were four periods in the war. The Bavarian Period (1618-1625). In 1618, in Bohemia (now the Czech Republic and then part of the Holy Roman Empire) there was a Protestant Rebellion against the Habsburg Monarchy that ruled there. The Bohemian Slavs had traditionally been against the Holy Roman Empire, as previously seen in the Hussite Wars of the 15th century. The rebellion was quickly put down by Catholic forces (namely the Holy Roman Emperor-Ferdinand II) who wiped out Protestantism in Bohemia through forcible conversions and the activities of militant Jesuit missionaries. However, the Thirty Year War didn't end at this phase because outside forces kept it going. Protestants, particularly in Germany, identified with the Bohemian rebellion, and united against the Holy Roman Catholic Emperor Ferdinand II. Danish Period Denmark and its Protestant king, Christian IV, believed that as Protestantism was wiped out in Bohemia, Ferdinand II would then try to do the same thing in the Holy Roman Empire, particularly in Germany. So, Christian IV sent troops into Germany in support of the Protestant cause and also in the hopes of expanding Danish power. King Christian remarked: We are here to defend Protestant liberties. If by Gods will, we should gain some territory, so be it. Christian XI' s Protestant armies were decisively beaten by the Catholic imperial army led by Albert of Wallerstein, a mercenary general who had fought for Ferdinand in the Bohemian phase of the war. It was at this point in the war that the Holy Roman Empires Catholic forces were at the peak of their power, and throughou ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Great Gatsby - Common Traits Shared by the Novels Women

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby has endured as a classic glimpse into a period of time that is now referred to as the Roaring 20s – an American decade marked by extravagance, self-gratification and indifference. As Americans strove to find and claim for themselves a piece of what they considered to be the â€Å"American Dream†, they inevitably got lost in the process, and Fitzgerald created several poignant and distinct characters in The Great Gatsby who epitomized the era and his beliefs in how the era affected people. On its simplest level, The Great Gatsby is Nick Carraway’s narration and recollection of events stemming from his meeting and subsequent interaction with Jay Gatsby during the summer of 1922 in Long Island, New York. Nick Carraway, too, was seeking his piece of the American Dream by moving to New York from the Midwest to take job as a bond salesman â€Å"†¦I decided to go east and learn the bond business. Everyone I knew was in the bond business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 7). However, Nick is only person pursuing a better and larger life who doesn’t get caught up in the shallow, materialistic notions of most people doing the same thing. For instance, Nick ends up renting a house in West Egg that is â€Å"a weather beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month† and is â€Å"†¦squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season.† (pp. 8-9). Nick’s next door neighbor is Jay Gatsby. Nick’s â€Å"second cousin once removed† was Daisy Buchanan who lived with her husband Tom in East Egg, just â€Å"[a]cross the courtesy bay† from West Egg (p. 10). After getting settled, Nick visits the Buchanans and meets Daisy Buchanan â€Å"whom I scarcely knew at all† (p. 11) and Daisy’s friend, Jordan Baker. Nick’s impression of these two women in particular, as well as the others he encounters during his brief stay in New York, are noteworthy in that they demonstrate the vapidity and emptiness o... Free Essays on Great Gatsby - Common Traits Shared by the Novel's Women Free Essays on Great Gatsby - Common Traits Shared by the Novel's Women F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby has endured as a classic glimpse into a period of time that is now referred to as the Roaring 20s – an American decade marked by extravagance, self-gratification and indifference. As Americans strove to find and claim for themselves a piece of what they considered to be the â€Å"American Dream†, they inevitably got lost in the process, and Fitzgerald created several poignant and distinct characters in The Great Gatsby who epitomized the era and his beliefs in how the era affected people. On its simplest level, The Great Gatsby is Nick Carraway’s narration and recollection of events stemming from his meeting and subsequent interaction with Jay Gatsby during the summer of 1922 in Long Island, New York. Nick Carraway, too, was seeking his piece of the American Dream by moving to New York from the Midwest to take job as a bond salesman â€Å"†¦I decided to go east and learn the bond business. Everyone I knew was in the bond business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 7). However, Nick is only person pursuing a better and larger life who doesn’t get caught up in the shallow, materialistic notions of most people doing the same thing. For instance, Nick ends up renting a house in West Egg that is â€Å"a weather beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month† and is â€Å"†¦squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season.† (pp. 8-9). Nick’s next door neighbor is Jay Gatsby. Nick’s â€Å"second cousin once removed† was Daisy Buchanan who lived with her husband Tom in East Egg, just â€Å"[a]cross the courtesy bay† from West Egg (p. 10). After getting settled, Nick visits the Buchanans and meets Daisy Buchanan â€Å"whom I scarcely knew at all† (p. 11) and Daisy’s friend, Jordan Baker. Nick’s impression of these two women in particular, as well as the others he encounters during his brief stay in New York, are noteworthy in that they demonstrate the vapidity and emptiness o...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

9 Tips for Successful Textbook Adoption

9 Tips for Successful Textbook Adoption Textbooks are vital tools within the realm of education and textbook adoption is an essential part of the process. The textbook industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Textbooks are to teachers and students as a bible is to pastors and their congregations. The issue with textbooks is that they quickly become outdated as standards and content continually change. For example, the impending Common Core State Standards are resulting in a massive shift in focus amongst textbook manufacturers. To offset this, many states adopt textbooks in a five-year cycle rotating amongst the core subjects. It is essential that the people choosing the textbooks for their district choose the right textbook because they will be stuck with their choice for at least five years. The following information will guide you through the textbook adoption process on your way to choosing the right textbook for your needs. Form a Committee Many districts have curriculum directors that lead the textbook adoption process, but sometimes this process falls back on the school principal. In any case, the person put in charge of this process should put a committee of 5-7 members together to assist in the adoption process. The committee should be made up of the curriculum director, building principal, several teachers who teach the subject up for adoption, and a parent or two. The committee will be charged with finding the best textbook that meets the overall district’s needs. Obtain Samples The first duty of the committee is to solicit samples from each of the textbook vendors that have been approved by your state department. It is critical that you only select approved vendors. Textbook companies will send you a comprehensive set of samples that include both teacher and student materials across all grade levels for the subject being adopted. Be sure to have a place set aside with lots of room to store your samples. Once you have finished previewing the material, you can typically return the material back to the company at no charge. Compare Content to Standards Once the committee has received all their requested samples, they should begin to go through the scope and sequence looking for how the textbook aligns to current standards. No matter how good a textbook is if it does not align to the standards your district uses, then it becomes obsolete. This is the most crucial step in the textbook adoption process. It is also the most tedious and time-consuming step. Each member will go through each book, making comparisons, and taking notes. Finally, the entire committee will look at each individual’s comparisons and cut out any textbook that doesn’t align at that point. Teach a Lesson The teachers on the committee should pick a lesson from each perspective textbook and use that book to teach the lesson. This allows teachers to get a feel for the material, to see how it motivates their students, how their students respond, and to make comparisons about each product through the application. The teachers should make notes throughout the process highlighting things they liked and things they didn’t. These findings will be reported to the committee. Narrow It Down At this point, the committee should have a solid feel for all the different textbooks available. The committee should be able to narrow it down to their top three choices. With only three choices, the committee should be able to narrow their focus and are on their way to deciding which is the best choice for their district. Bring in Individual Sales Representatives The sales representatives are the true experts within their respective textbooks. Once you have narrowed your choices, you can invite the remaining three company’s sales representatives to give a presentation to your committee members. This presentation will allow committee members to gain more in-depth information from an expert. It also allows the committee members to ask questions that they may have about a specific textbook. This part of the process is about giving committee members more information so that they can make an informed decision. Compare Costs The bottom line is that school districts operate on a tight budget. This means that the cost of textbooks is likely already in the budget. It important that the committee knows they cost of each textbook as well as the district’s budget for these textbooks. This plays a crucial part of choosing textbooks. If the committee deems a particular textbook as the best option, but the cost of purchasing those books is $5000 over the budget, they probably should consider the next option. Compare Free Materials Every textbook company offers â€Å"free materials† if you adopt their textbook. These free materials are of course not â€Å"free† as you likely pay for them in some manner, but they are valuable to your district. Many textbooks now offer materials that can be incorporated with classroom technology such as smart boards. They often offer free workbooks for the life of the adoption. Each company puts their own spin on the free materials, so the committee needs to look at each available option in this area as well. Come to a Conclusion The final charge of the committee is to decide which textbook they should adopt. The committee will put in many hours over the course of several months and should have a clear idea of that point as to which option is their best option. The main thing is that they make the right choice because they will likely be stuck with their choice for several years to come.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Renaissance and Reformation. King Henry VIII Research Paper

Renaissance and Reformation. King Henry VIII - Research Paper Example The Tudors were elements of the house of Lancaster which had clashed with the House of York, another noble group, in the epoch of the national war in England called the War of the Roses. A Lancastrian insurgence had grown against Yorkist King Richard III. Henry Tudor overcame King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field and took the throne of England. The marriage contracted by King Henry the seventh was thus very significant as it united the York and Lancaster sections and in fact caused the War of the Roses to cease . Henry VIII was the second boy born to his parents, the first being Arthur and his sisters were Margaret and Mary Tudor. He adored his mother the Queen who was a loyal and obedient woman, an exemplary female who closely portrayed the virtues that the society of that period expected its womenfolk to espouse. In childhood, Henry VIII was greatly pampered and spoiled. Kings in his time were believed to be anointed entities that rarely could make a mistake and even if they did, their mistakes would be used by the Deity to cause an advantage to the nation in some manner. His mother and grandmother apparently believed this notion to the fullest. His father was another matter. King Henry VII favored Prince Arthur, Henry’s older brother. He was the one to inherit the throne and so he was given more consideration. Prince Arthur was bestowed with royal responsibilities while Henry was left to develop his own preferences. Both brothers were strictly monitored and their friends were carefully chosen. His relationship with his father strained both Henry VIII and the King, though more so the younger man. Henry VII seemed aware of the reality of his son’s disposition and especially after the death of his first son, feared the popularity of his second son2. It even seems that he sensed in Henry VIII a drive for power and a festering ruthlessness in hiding. The Six Wives At the age of two, Arthur had been affianced to Katharine of Aragon. This was a common practice at that time and especially as concerns princes and princesses who were used repeatedly by ambitious parents to foster alliances and pacts with foreign countries that would see their powers increase. Henry’s position as the irrelevant child lasted until a few months after his tenth birthday. Arthur, his elder brother, died at his castle in Ludlow. Within a year, his mother had also passed away along with her newborn because of an infection that she had contracted as she recovered from her confinement. The loss of his mother, brother, and baby sister affected his father more than it did Henry VIII. Another tragedy that took place was Arthur’s death. The older Prince had been married to the Spanish Catalina de Aragon on 14th November, 1501. A bond of matrimony between the House of Tudor and the Spanish throne would ensure more respect for both rulers and strengthen their positions. Prince Henry had guided his sister in law and future spouse up the steps of the St. Paul’s Cathedral to say her vows and would later introduce her

Friday, October 18, 2019

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Economics - Assignment Example Merger and Acquisitions includes the target company; this is the company which has attracted attention from the acquiring company. The process of acquisition is sometimes hostile and in other times friendly. Therefore, a hostile takeover is when the board of directors objects to acquisitions of a given company based on their analysis that the process might lead to loss of share value of the shareholders. Moreover, friendly transactions define the acquisition that has been endorsed by the company board of directors as a profitable exercise for the company to engage in (Gaughan 1996). Merger and acquisitions take various forms horizontal merger to the vertical merger and to conglomerate merger. Horizontal merger involves the buyout of the company in the same industry. This is mostly done to a competitor firm that threat to share a large percentage of the bigger company market share and thus reduce their capability of maximizing on profit (Berk &DeMarzo 2011). Therefore, horizontal merger increases the customer base of the acquiring firm and this guarantee that such an adventure will lead to high shareholder value. An example of a horizontal merger is the buyout of Lucasfilm in 2012 by Walt Disney Company. Moreover, the acquiring company engages in vertical merger. This is the acquisition of industries in the same production line ad producer of raw material or customer to the end products. Vertical merger is an essential exercise that ensures that the company controls the supply of its raw material and avoids the disruption that may be compromised by other firms in their pursuit of profit maximization. Vertical integration also serves to ensure that customers are not exploited by other companies that may be involved in the distribution of company products. In this case, the producing company may acquire control over distribution companies to engage with its customers (Standard and Poor’s 2003). In addition, vertical merger is done to unlock

Andean and mesoamerican societies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Andean and mesoamerican societies - Essay Example In this discussion, the war methods of the two societies are explored. Both Andeans and Mesoamericans did not have complicated weapons for war fighting. They both used traditional war tools for hunting purposes, however, the approach in fighting their enemies varied. Mesoamericans had organized war fare than the Andeans. Andeans had poor weapons against their enemies and they majorly relied on the old war tactic methods. They used tools such as, flint- tipped spears, and cotton quilted tunics, bows and arrows to fight their enemies.1 In addition, they had no technologically advanced weapons, and this made them suffer defeat in many war stages. 2 Their poor war methods and choice of traditional weapons made Spanish triumph over them during the war. This led to the capture of their emperor by the enemies because of their technological vulnerability and cultural gap. Mesoamerican’s war was occasionally based on raids. Their wars fare rose as a result of the destruction and seizing of fixed assets. They had different methods of fighting. These methods were based on experience and skills, which they had learnt over the years. During wars, they retreated strategically to their familiar territories. Notably, they had to siege cities during the wars to counter their enemy. They also used alliances method. The alliances made the weaker enemies defeat the most powerful enemies, who were likely to beat them in the war. This method worked greatly in their favour. Another method of fighting the enemy was the destruction warfare methods. This method majorly included burning. The jungle terrain of their land also made it more complicated for their enemies to reach them. 3The warfare used was also through control of trade routes, which made them defend their cities with defensive structures like gateways, earthworks, and palisades. At some point, they could use hunting tools for war purposes. Moreover,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss the benefits and drawback of fair value accounting measurement Assignment

Discuss the benefits and drawback of fair value accounting measurement vis--vis other measurements with respect to enhancing the quality of financial information - Assignment Example The accounting system demands an estimation of fair market value in order to demonstrate the present value of future cash flows (Penman, 2007). Many financial analysts are of the opinion that the fair value accounting has significantly contributed to the reasons behind financial crisis of 2008 (IMF, 2009). In this paper the statement will be critically evaluated to justify such argument. The paper will also analyse the benefits and drawbacks of fair value accounting in comparison with other measurements in order to enhance quality of financial information. Many critiques have argued that apart from the reasons such as subprime mortgage, excessive debt and default credit swaps that had mainly caused for financial crisis of 2008, fair value accounting which is also known as mark to market accounting has significantly contributed towards the crisis through producing deceptive data and defective financial statements (Laeven and Huizinga, 2009). However, though there has been much substantiation regarding asset fire sales and downward spirals in financial markets, supporting evidences that may prove the accounting system’s function in igniting the crisis are negligible. Such discussion can be based on the following myths. Some critiques have argued in favour of FVA that the assets reported under historical cost in the company’s balance sheet have no relation to their current value. The values of most of such assets are documented at their purchasing price with adjustments for depreciation (for building, plant and machineries etc.) or appreciation (bonds and other fixed maturity investments) of those assets (Bonaci, Matis and Strouhal, 2010). However, such valuation may not be appropriate in current market scenario. For example, value of a company owned building may hold more value in present market than its depreciated book value as calculated under historical cost. Hence, even under historical accounting, importance of fair value has been established

ISO Standards and Excellence - reflection ( CLO 3 ) Essay

ISO Standards and Excellence - reflection ( CLO 3 ) - Essay Example This certification is so objective (making it more credible and reliable) that ISO itself does not do the certification but a third party certification body that cannot be certified by ISO. This removes conflict of interest and undue influence. This certification process involves an audit in evaluating the company’s standards vis-Ã  -vis audit criterial established. This is a continuous process to ensure that quality and improvement is maintained. The benefits of having ISO certified are many. Having quality as a standard obviously meets if not exceed customer’s requirements and this means increased customer satisfaction leading to more business and more profit for the company and able to articulate its processes. Getting an ISO certification is not easy when I did a review on the audit process. But considering the benefits of the certification to the company and its long-term viability as a business organization, ISO is no longer just a quality certificate that a company may opt but an imperative in today’s very competitive environment because it wears the badge of credibility and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss the benefits and drawback of fair value accounting measurement Assignment

Discuss the benefits and drawback of fair value accounting measurement vis--vis other measurements with respect to enhancing the quality of financial information - Assignment Example The accounting system demands an estimation of fair market value in order to demonstrate the present value of future cash flows (Penman, 2007). Many financial analysts are of the opinion that the fair value accounting has significantly contributed to the reasons behind financial crisis of 2008 (IMF, 2009). In this paper the statement will be critically evaluated to justify such argument. The paper will also analyse the benefits and drawbacks of fair value accounting in comparison with other measurements in order to enhance quality of financial information. Many critiques have argued that apart from the reasons such as subprime mortgage, excessive debt and default credit swaps that had mainly caused for financial crisis of 2008, fair value accounting which is also known as mark to market accounting has significantly contributed towards the crisis through producing deceptive data and defective financial statements (Laeven and Huizinga, 2009). However, though there has been much substantiation regarding asset fire sales and downward spirals in financial markets, supporting evidences that may prove the accounting system’s function in igniting the crisis are negligible. Such discussion can be based on the following myths. Some critiques have argued in favour of FVA that the assets reported under historical cost in the company’s balance sheet have no relation to their current value. The values of most of such assets are documented at their purchasing price with adjustments for depreciation (for building, plant and machineries etc.) or appreciation (bonds and other fixed maturity investments) of those assets (Bonaci, Matis and Strouhal, 2010). However, such valuation may not be appropriate in current market scenario. For example, value of a company owned building may hold more value in present market than its depreciated book value as calculated under historical cost. Hence, even under historical accounting, importance of fair value has been established

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Issues, Challenges and Strategies in Successful Implementation of an Essay

Issues, Challenges and Strategies in Successful Implementation of an HRIS Project - Essay Example This article presents a critical analysis of the need for HRIS, features required in HRIS, design & acquisition issues, cost benefits, implementation issues and acceptance issues. Gardner and Lepak et al. (2003) presented that the new role of HR professionals is more of "strategic partners to the business" whereby they are expected to understand the business objectives of the organization and align the HR practices with the business goals defined to fulfil the objectives. Hence the business objectives expand into the HR objectives & related goals that are essentially defined to enhance employee contribution by providing them essential guidance, resources & support and to manage essential transformations & changes required in maintaining the fundamental culture of the organization. The authors argue that IT systems act as the catalyst for human resources professionals in achieving HR goals. Enterprise Resource Planning systems integrate various functional (departmental) information systems across the company such that the information from all departments can be integrated and organized for unified MIS reporting to the senior management enabling them to take quick & effective decisions (Gupta & Kohli. 2006). Human Resources is one of the key departments of an organization and hence HRIS need to be an integral part of ERP. The key result areas for all employees are defined by their respective functional managers but closely monitored by the HR function by virtue of key performance indicators. Kaplan and Norton (1996) developed the balanced scorecard system that helps organizations to design & implement a performance measurement system in such a way that individual performance measures can be tangibly mapped with organizational performance. The author hereby argues that such an integrated framework requires the performance management system to be an integral part of the E RP such that performance appraisal cycles can be carried out by respective supervisors of the employees but human resources function can closely monitor the KPI metrics and map with other soft aspects of the individual in terms of punctuality, knowledge & skill enhancement, trainings, additional certifications achieved, etc. The integrated information of functional KPIs and soft aspects can help the HR function to assess the overall performance of the employees and identify employee development needs as well as take decisions on promotions, increments, rewards & recognitions. 3.0 Requirement Analysis for an

Sustainable Design and Its Place in my Pedagogy Essay Example for Free

Sustainable Design and Its Place in my Pedagogy Essay I believe that a person needs to know how to make (they need an understanding of the theories of manufacture at very least). They need to have that skill before they can become an accomplished designer. Equally, I believe that a maker needs to have a good understanding of the design process (they need a concept of design at least). This conceptual understanding will in turn inform the manufacture of designs. This maybe a bold statement to make, but my prior experiences have led me to stand by this assertion. My BA (Hons) in Furniture Design Craftsmanship was a fifty per cent design based course with a fifty per cent making aspect. This meant that with my understanding of how furniture was constructed, this informed my designing. But by the same token, not a complete compromise was ever made on the design. We were encouraged to stick by our guns with regards to form and function, and to whichever way our particular project was slanted. From that, when I entered the world of employment, realisations hit me thick and fast. It was evident when working with some interior designers, as well as some architects, that there was clearly no real concept of how their designs were going to be brought to three-dimensional life. This put a lot of pressure on me as a maker, to work through the problems of the designs. Now, if I was unfamiliar with the processes and concepts of design at this stage, I could have (as many in the same workshop did), said that it was not possible and not offered much in terms of alternatives or solutions (even though the designer seems to take a larger chunk of the commission and never pays for that problem solving that a manufacture has to deal with). If however, the designer is more familiar with the processes of manufacture, many problems could be resolved at the drawing board. I have also experienced levels of craftsmanship that are not worthy of that title. I am strong in my belief, that in Britain (or at least in the South-East and London areas); there is a distinct lack of practical ability regarding manufacturing expertise. Great Britain was once famed for its remarkable craftsmen and women of all fields, but working on building sites over the last three or so years has led me to ask; what happened to them? I believe, important hand skills are being lost and that design technology in schools is one of the only tools to try to reintroduce a revival. This could be done through a series of Focused Practical Tasks (FPTs); this will inform later Design Make Assignments (DMAs). However; Ofsted has reported consistently that designing skills lag behind making skills. In 2002 Ofsted reported that in some schools, there is insufficient attention to the processes of designing, particularly in Key Stage 3 where pupils experience of design and technology is merely a sequence of short focused practical tasks with no opportunity to apply their own ideas in a longer design task. (ITE, 2009) I personally have a pet dislike towards the current linear style project folder. An ADDIE model (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) these processes are considered to be sequential but also iterative. (Molenda, 2003) This is present in most schools and has been for a number of years, certainly during my education. It wasnt until I started my higher education that I realised that design is not linear at all. Design practice in Technology education in high schools context is not a representation of the professional realm of design. (Leahy, 2009, p. 25) We dont write a brief, research, write a specification, design, develop and make on after the other. In reality, we are constantly researching all along the way, we are then testing at a number of different stages and that advises our designs, developments require another level of research and so on. I understand the ease that a linear style can prove to be in school practice, but it is an artificial way of design. Both Linear process and assessment are stifling creative design outcomes. (Leahy, 2009, p. 25) I would like to build into my teaching a way of a addressing the folder design, so that it becomes more natural and closer to real industry approach. I also feel that as designers or makers, we have a conscience role and obligation to making a sustainable planet. On my degree course an emphasis towards sustainability was always implied, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was one of many governing bodies spoken about. We were always encouraged to be as least wasteful as possible and very conscience of selecting the right timber or other materials. I gained a great amount of respect for the importance of sustainability from two key sources. One was that in Native American Indian culture, that when a buffalo or bison was slain, not one piece of its body was ever wasted, all flesh became foo d, organs we delicacies, hides became clothing and shelters and bones became tools. The second was a book One Tree. The book shows the workings of a number of artists, sculptors, furniture makers and other craftsmen and women, that all used material from one oak tree. Every single bit of the tree was used, so that one persons waste was the next persons to manipulate. (Olson, 2001) Sustainable Design is a focus towards elements of social, environmental, developmental and ethical concerns. When going through the processes of designing physical objects and built environments; Questioning the need for a product; achieving more for less; a concern for quality of life instead of material standard of living; a focus on causes of environmental problems rather than their symptoms; and an onus on service as opposed to ownership (Goggin, 2002), all need to be considered along the design journey. This relates directly to my topic regarding the 6 Rs. The intention of sustainable design is to eliminate negative environmental impact completely through skillful, sensitive design (McLennan, 2004). This can only be achieved by: empowering people (children as well as adults) with the knowledge, ideas and tools that not only address current needs but also those of future generations (United Nations, 1992). Sustainable design will naturally lend itself to sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet the needs of their own (Goggin, 2002, p. 257). Two biologists Anne and Paul Ehrlich (1990) proposed that environmental impact (E) equates to population (P), multiplied by material consumption, or affluence (A), multiplied by the environmental impact of technology used to produce goods (T). This is shown as: E = P x A x T. Goggin and Lawler (2002) then explained that as a benchmark of today we can show it as 1 = 1 x 1 x 1. The United nations International Panel on Climate Change have called for a sixty per cent cut in green house gases. Population is set to double in the next forty years and the affluence mark is supposed to increase four times. This means to balance the equation: 0.4 (E) = 2 (P) x 4 (A) x ? (T), Technological Impact needs to be 0.05. That is a ninety-five per cent reduction. Clearly sustainability cannot be achieved through design alone and in the absence of a Draconian population control, we are left with affluence. (Goggin, 2002, p. 258) Does this then mean that the task of simply reducing the amount of products we manufacture is not enough, we then have to consume a lot less as well? We can consume far a smaller amount by addressing the six Rs, or in particular; Repair, Reuse and Recycle, and on a deeper level Refuse products that are not fit for purpose or/and non-sustainable. We can also address the issues of material consumption and technologies environmental impacts, through adopting an Ecodesign methodology or even a consideration for Life Cycles. These approaches look at every impact in every stage of the products life span towards the environment, as well as looking to improve the products function, appearance and quality (or Fit for Purpose). I have written into my topic of work an analysis task which in turn leads on to a redesign task or a development task, where a somewhat non-sustainable product is evaluated and redeveloped sensitively, in order to reduce the environmental impact of that product. Even if this is only on a basic introductory level, it will provide and use some, if not all, the relevant skills that are required for sustainable design. I believe if an element of sustainability is written into all design briefs, whether it is a small FPT, or a full DMA, then a thought at least to sustainability will be second nature. When walking around classrooms on my placement (also of my own schooling experience), challenging a pupils design folders for their inclusion of sustainable thought, seemed to receive a strained after-thought explanation. I have found myself trying to question further their intentions for material choices and production techniques. In doing this, sometimes the answers are good and seem well informed as if the knowledge is present in their understanding, but not applied in their designing. On other occasions, they simply do not have the knowledge and depth of understanding to inform their designing. That then puts the responsibility on us as design technology educators, to deliver not only the knowledge for their understanding, but also to write into project briefs and assessment criteria an aspect of environment consideration. There are a number of natural areas where sustainability fits neatly into the current ADDIE project folder style. I know I have mentioned my dislike for this unnatural linear way of designing, but maybe small steps are in order. In a full DMA project folder, for example a KS4 GCSE or A-Level controlled assessment folder, research, analyses and design developments are all areas to include sustainability, at very least. Most projects require an element of researching a current market product. While researching an analysis can be carried out to outline its level of sustainability and in this analysis evaluation, suggestions can be made to how to improve these levels. This subsequently leads onto writing in to a specification these findings and that will inform the design stages of the project. This is then revisited at the modification stage as well as the evaluation. This is not a new concept by any means. It was included in the 1995 National Curriculum frameworks. The approach to pupils understanding the issues of sustainability take three forms: eco-logging, eco-choice points and life-cycle design. (Goggin, 2002) Although I am suggesting that we ensure that sustainability is featured in design technology lessons, it is actually a statutory requirement. It is mentioned on a number of occasions throughout the 2008 National Curriculum and could also be interpreted into the Every Child Matters policy, under Making a Positive Contribution. Sustainability was also one of the buzz words at a recent AQA Teacher Standardising Meeting I attended. The AQAs controlled assessments guidance are pushing for an emphasis in pupils folders to be on sustainable design. (AQA, 2009) My chosen topic of sustainability fits into my personal pedagogy, as the importance of sustaining our environment is a not only crucial, but more of an obligation of a designer. The theory delivered over the 3 lessons maybe a bit intense for Key Stage 3, but as I am aiming at year 10 (Key Stage 4), it would do well to inform their GCSE controlled assessment folder and ultimately their design practice. I believe that it would be better used as part of a scheme of work, in which the theory would enlighten a full DMA project. Sustainability is one area of design technology amongst others, that if its knowledge is put into action/context then it enables creative problem-solving. (Lunn, 2008) The 2008 National Curriculum calls for creative problem solvers. The link between problem-solving and creativity also has two aspects: perceiving a problem is a creative act of an agentive mind; and seeking solutions, students improve their own practice. (Lunn, 2008) Sustainability is an ever-developing subject area, it develops with science, with new materials and will keep doing so, therefore the three lessons are very relevant and up to date now, and the main concepts will be as well for some time, but the content and examples will need to be revised regularly to still keep the lessons significant. The ability to be creative and flexible is critical in the face of a rapidly changing world. (Mishra, 2008) Bibliography AQA. (2009). AQA Controlled Assessment Teacher Standardising Meeting: GCSE Design Technology: Resistant Materials Technology delivered by Smith, R. Maidstone, Kent: AQA. Campbell, R.J., Robinson, W., Neelands, J., Huston, R. and Mazzoli, L. (2007). Personalised Learning: Ambiguities In Theory and Practice. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 (2), P. 135-154 Chester, I. (2008). 3D-CAD: Modern Technology Outdated Pedagogy?. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 12 (1), P. 8-10 Ehrlich, P. and Ehrlich, A. (1990). The Population Explosion. New York: Simon and Schuster. Goggin, P. and Lawler, T. (2002). Sustainability and Design and Technology in Schools. In Owen-Jackson, G. (Ed.), Aspects of Teaching Secondary Design Technology Perspectives on Practice (2002 ed., pp. 257 266). London: Routeledge Falmer and The Open University. ITE. (2009). Pedagogy: Secondary Induction Subject Resources Network. Aspects of Secondary DT teaching, [Online] , Available: URL: [Access date 7 November 2009]. Leahy, K., Gaughran, W. and Seery, N. (2009). Preferential Learning Styles as an Influencing Factor in design Pedagogy. (E. Norman, Ed.) Design and Technology Education: An International Journal , 14 (2), P. 25-44. (2009, November). Constructivism at Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2009, November) , Available URL:[Access date 9th November 2009]. Lunn, S., Davidson, M. and Murphy, P. (2008). Developing an effective Pedagogy for Creative Problem-Solving in Design and Technology. Centre for Curriculum and Teaching Studies, Faculty of Education and Language Studies, The Open University , Available: URL [Access date 9th November 2009]. McLennan, J. F. (2004). The Philosophy of Sustainable Design. Kansas City, Missouri: Ecotone LLC. Mishra, P. a. (2008). Teachers, Creativity TPACK: SITE Keynote. Michigan State University, USA. Molenda, M. (2003). The ADDIE Model (Draft). In A. . Kovalchick, Eds, Educational Technology: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: Copyright by ABC-Clio. National Curriculum. (2009), London: QCA Olson, G. and Toaig, P. (2001). One Tree, London: Merrell Publishers Oxford Dictionaries. (revised 2008). Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th ed.). Oxford: Oxford Dictionaries. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. (2009). Sustainable Development in Action: A Curriculum Planning Guide for Schools. London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. (2008). National Curriculum. London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). United Nations. (1992). Conference on Environment Development, Agenda 21, Promoting Environmental Awareness. Agenda 21: United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (p. Chapter 36). Rio De Janeiro, Brazil: United Nations.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Division Of Our Digital World English Language Essay

The Division Of Our Digital World English Language Essay This is a paper regarding how the digital world is divided, why and how can (if possible) bring everything in one floor as globalization is also happening. Collectively our world is divided even by digital ways such as networking speed, technological reach etc. As we are moving forward we are stretching our limits more and more. We are only stretching the limits towards a developed future. A future that is well controlled by technologies and organized by us (human). It is possible only if the whole world get the same tough of technology, which is not happening out there. Just like how Racism killing peoples moral viewpoint exactly or almost exactly in the same manner technology is broaden around the world. Greats are becoming more technological where as poor users only getting the vive not the reality. My research was mainly done on the difference in technological fields in different countries. Just to make clear I am neither complaining about any system nor arguing on others statements. I am just presenting my viewpoint with examples. There are 195 countries in our world (Earth). Not all the countries are of same level. While talking on level, here levels are based on economical condition, educational based and technological reach. Third world countries are the ones, which always struggle to meet the basic need for a human being (Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing). Some also include Education as a fifth basic need. Those countries either have huge population (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc) or fighting in between (African nations). The only reality for them is how they can survive human lives. Circumstances like this never gives out the opportunity to this countries. Where rarely surviving is possible thinking for technological reach is just like cracking a joke. Though in present time many third world countries are in the tough of technology but definitely not like the developed countries. So, the differences are on. So the dream for having a world controlled by technology seems to be quite far away. The term Global Networking is in real not a global chain yet. If we really can build a global networking we can move a lot more ahead than where we are standing today. At the brisk of 21st Century we are still waiting for the global connection through networking. Argument can be made on actually how good technological support the developed countries are providing. But, before that what we must talk about the difference in the countries. As I already mentioned earlier in many places about the lack of intension on the third world countries, so to take such an action become very difficult. Lets talk about the IP (Internet connection) firstly. Here (in USA) usually every order gets an individual IP address. Though the speed of the bandwidth connection may very but the individuality is there. But in countries like Bangladesh, India and many more using 1 IP Address to share clients. From the DP Port box they stretch wires to form 1 IP for several clients. Doing this destroys identity for users! Thus, in countries like Bangladesh, users can easily hack into a system and can sneak through. Also the reach of the technology sometimes is not that high to catch the hackers. Question can easily rise if the security system is that weak in the third world countries? Yes is the answer, not because lack of security but for not having exact system to prevent hacking. Hacking if properly done can be possible even in USA (example Google was attacked on march 2009). Getting into a system may surely be problematic but main setback is always time frame. How long a system remained hacked is the only concern. One can get in and then again got kicked back, and then because of lesser time frame barely any information can be misplaced. But, if you do not have proper technology you can not gain access back to your hand in quick time, cases like this hurt the most. Also lack of proper knowledge do the damage a lot. To not having a system are an issue, but having a system and not having the ability to use is even bigger of a problem. Talking about proper knowledge can only be gain if you are playing with a system. In the market of globalization, networking is a very important part. One should have proper knowledge about networking before putting a hand on there. If not so when need comes up barely will be able to work with any system possible. We have to find the main problems of why our digital world is divided. Our digital world is divided based on merits of each country. Here what I am trying to say regarding merits is very simple, the country can afford have higher technologies and the countries cannot afford do no have. This is as simple to understand as having a piece of cake. Thought it is simple in understanding wise still we have to find an alternative or few solutions how can we narrow down the borderline. We should find the way to minimize the differences, other then that global networking will not be happening ever after. Few solutions can be mark like talking to individuals, having exploring the global companies more often in different continents, talking bold steps by the governments and many more. Lets start talking about the solutions one by one. Starting with individual talking. What I meant by this statement is people should start communicate a lot more than current time. We should share what problems we are facing, what system we are working with, what can be change/ modify for betterment. More likely we have to deal things in as Open Source type. Having spreading this idea can question about the sharing information is or is not actually giving access for a system to many people. Maybe it is giving, but then we have narrow down with several methods, laws, ethics etc. Then also we have to take help from the global companies. Taking help from the global companies means companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft and many more that are spread around the world can complete a good role. These companies have access in many different places; they are associated with many different cultures. So, they can easily understand the flow of growing technological market in one area. If in one area it is not growing according to how it should have they can help. Giving again the example of the country Bangladesh, since mainly the country is maximum dependent on the shoulder of the capital city Dhaka. So, just to check out if in Dhaka the reach of the technology is good enough or not so that they can at least communicate with the rest of the world. If not, then plans can be organized to help them out. In this case the governments should take wise steps as well. If we all are on the right floor or not! The governments of each country should look wisely towards their growing technology. Soon the world is going to convert exact like a CPU. Every country will have to through a role to fulfill. One country failing to complete their part can cause a total loss. Just like if one part doesnt work it is difficult to function the remaining CPU. So, weather it is an understanding or agreement we all have to be on the same floor. Implementing all possible solutions is not a easy job to handle. Even everyone care to complete the task still there is no guarantee that all the countries will be on the same line. At least we can see that we have narrowed down the borderline. We have to be also preparing at the same time for the transformation of Technology. Technology does not stay always at the same place. Along with the time it is getting bigger and broader. So, we have to put our foot along with the speed or transformation of the technology. From now on we have collect information on how the Internet connection is working or acting in third world countries. We should also measure how it is functioning in the developed countries. Differences can be seen, and then we have to try to solve out the differences. If we can bring out the changes we will be able to help the world around. Before finishing my papers I would like to add few of the persons thoughts regarding this topic when I tool their interview. Tasfia Ahmed an employer or GM who works and lives on Sterling Heights, MI. She is using a fast Internet connection at home having 54 MB/sec Bandwidth. She is very happy, and saying the speed is too good. Getting this amount of speed back from the country I am from (Bangladesh) is impossible. Having talking to a Dr. MK Rashedul Haque a professor teaching in Dhaka University, Bangladesh said, The maximum we can provide in the computer labs is about 4 MB/sec. He also mentioned about how things are working on the other universities as well. Though this is the most powerful and rich university in the country. According to him Military or Intelligence get to use higher bandwidth connection. This can be use as another example that it is possible to provide high speed Internet in Bangladesh. This is a clear and very practical example of how things are working. While I had an opportunity to communicate with a student currently enrolled in CS in IIT, Bangalore in India (Shantosh Chadrabalan) I received very different information. In their Computer labs he get a speed of 6 MB/sec of Internet where as he is an IBM intern and thus in his office he gets around 48 MB/sec through wireless! It is shocking to know that the same person has to work with 512 KB/sec at his home. If IBM in India can have around 48 MB/sec then why cannot other Internet providers in India have such high speedy Internets? Government, Global companies and all of us have a real hard job ahead of us. The thing that concerns in those countries is the security issue. It is so hard there to track someone. Many times criminal gets away because it becomes hard to catch them, though they have Police. Now criminals if known as cyber criminals, the cyber traffic officers they do not have much. Also for one unique IP Address multiple clients make life a hell for them. Thats why they do not w ant to gear up. Also we shouldnt forget that the cost value is still missing. High speed means expensive Internet. How many people can afford such high speed Internet since Poverty is another big issue or concern in those third world countries. If we want, we can provide and control. We need a plan and a very good execution of that plan. In order to get the change we cannot pick a wrong way of approach. Addiction on Internet in recent time has been killing our young generation. Without them this prospers is not even thinking or plan worthy, so we cannot let them go in vain just for the addiction. But also we cannot oppose their passion towards it, otherwise we will not have them to do prosper. Since we are focusing on the differences on technology in different area, like digital divide we must talk about the meaning of it. Just giving an example the meaning of hacking at the beginning was a act of a hero but now it is crime that only criminals do. So, based on many time frames and all things changes all the time. Digital Divide now is working like discrimination, but there is a good hiding somewhere. The proper knowledge was thought in USA (just for an example) about how to use the Internet. Then Internet was released here, people started to use it and by using it they became to learn more about it. Same thing happened on Bangladesh too, but in Bangladesh it started way late than USA. And this is a huge reason why people in Bangladesh are one the other side of the division than the people of USA. Suddenly we cannot make it 54 MB/sec speed in Bangladesh from 512 KB/sec, because they wont know what to do with such high speed. Their workload will finish but the work time will not, they will have many free times all of a sudden. And free time can lead them into miss use the Internet. Everything has its own way of approach. So, nothing can be done suddenly. But it is also important that we take the steps now. If we start taking the steps now then and only then we can see a better future soon. As of so far we discussed about the topic, problems and solutions. I now want to express my own point of view. Though this is very clear in what is happening right now still there is always a question about if things are working in the right direction or not. Talking about if the technology has a boundary to reach into the third world countries, even if it can reach how fast. So far we have understood that reaching is not the only option we review, there are many more things connected with it. Just like as long as we do not know how much load a carrier can bear we cannot ask the carrier to bear, exactly in the same manner unless we know if someone can maintain such technology we cannot through something on him or her. So it can be said that difference is well shown in the features of each step, but it can be change to make a better world and faster communicating system. In order to do so we have to dig a lot dipper into the field, and once we have it all done we will see a better world! We are moving so fast, controlling the speed is the matter not reducing it down. So, to make a better world and a world with globalized network field what we have to do is to think and work for it. Though there are many difficulties but still I believe it is possible, do you? Citations: URL Citation: The number of countries in the world. . By Matt Rosenberg. March 2, 2011. Threat Level. . By Kim Zetter. January 14, 2010. 10 challenges/ problems in the Digital World. . Published by The Digital Divide The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The World Wide Web . . By Carl Doherty. May 28, 2008. are young people becoming addicted to the internet?. . By Newshour. August 19, 2009. Book Citation: Bolt, David. Digital Divide computers and our childrens future. A book talking about digital division around the world. January 1, 2000. Person Citation: Ahmed, Tasfia. GM Employer. Interviewed on March 21, 2011. Haque, Dr. MK Rashedul. Professor of Dhaka University. Interviewed on March 28, 2011. Chandrabalan, Shantosh. Student of IIT and IBM intern in India. Interviewed on April 5, 2011.